
This page lists all SUSY derivations (as returned by dq2-ls), together with the available p-tags. Samples that have been "obsoleted", i.e. will be deleted in the near future, appear in red in the list.

The Columns

The rows for MC16 are now colored based on the r-tags for MC16a, MC16d and MC16e.

How to use the search

You can use the "Search" field in the upper left to filter the list by dataset names or p-tags and the arrow keys (in Firefox at least) to go to the next / previous page. To list only samples for which a given derivation is available, use "Show / hide columns" to hide (uncheck) all other derivations (SUSY9 is hidden by default) and tick "show only rows with at least one derivation" (active by default).

The second input box, "enter / select p-tag", can be used to search for p-tags. In the end, this is just the same plain-text search, i.e. you will also find samples that happen to have the corresponding number as shown after "(searches for ...)" in the dataset name, but by double-clicking in this input field you will get a list of all p-tags currently in use. When searching for a p-tag, there a link to the page in BigPanda listing all samples with this p-tag will be shown.

Number of events

For data runs, the number of events (after skimming) in the latest derivation (latest p-tag) and the size of the corresponding dataset is shown at the bottom of the page if you hover over the corresponding SUSYx cell.

CSV export

With the button "CSV" you can export the table contents as comma-separated values (CSV). It will export the filtered result only.

Closing remarks

Note that this is not an official ATLAS tool. Please send feedback to a.mannnospamm@lmu.de.