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Yop Chagi (Side Kick)

The Yop-Chagi (Side Kick) is one the most powerful 'nontwisting' techniques in Taekwon Do. The weapon for this technique is the so called 'foot sword'. To concentrate on the technique, beginners could try it first from Kima-Sogi, kicking to the side. Thus there is no hip turning needed, and the student could concentrate on the technique itself. Later the kick should be practiced also from other stances like Hugul-Sogi, with hip turning.

The following description is for a Kick with the right foot to the right.

Stand in Kima-Sogi
Pull the left foot to the right foot, turn the left foot, so that the heel points to the target.
Lift the right foot.
Pull the knee to your breast (as high as possible)
Bend your toes, so that you have a tension in your foot 2.2
explosivly stretch your leg, so that the foot moves on a straight line to the target.
Hit with the 'foot sword'.
Pull back exactly the same way.
Put down the foot.

Ideally, the heel is a little bit higher than the toes in the end position of this kick.

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Nächste Seite: Blocking techniques Aufwärts: Foot Techniques Vorherige Seite: Dolyo Chagi (Roundhouse Kick)   Inhalt   Index
Klaus Steinberger

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