How to install precompiled GROPE and datafiles

The executable of grope and all needed datafiles have been collected in a single tarball
This contains the libraries of ROOT, CERNLIB, the complete
OPAL analysis(ROPE), the event display code (GROPE) and most of
the 32bit (i386) system libraries of Linux.

If the OpenGL display of GROPE is to be used (which is desirable)
the 32bit version of OpenGL (Mesa) is required.

On Ubuntu this is done by:

sudo apt-get install libglx-mesa0:i386

Installation and execution

Download and unpack the above tarball it will take about 250 Mb of space.

tar -xzf grope_bin.tgz
cd grope

Start GROPE:

Since GROPE has ROOT in a 32bit version you must n o t use
ROOT in its standard 64bit in the same session (window).

Hints when using X2GO