Root / Marabou modules

Root and Marabou are no longer automatically loaded on Login. You rather should put the following into your .bashrc:
module load marabou
As of 9. 2. 2016 Root / Marabou version 5.34.34 is the current default.
5.34.19 is still available.
Note that for root5 only important bug fixes are done - no new developments.
From the root6 branch 6.04.12 and 6.06.00 are available.
As usual when changing to a new ROOT Version you should recompile all code which is linked against ROOT libraries. To be independent of the default settings you should do:
module unload marabou
module load marabou/5.34.34
or if you do not need HistPresent &Co:
module load root/5.34.34
To see what is loaded:
module list
To see where the installation resides after module load:
To see what is available:
module available

Making your life easier

Put the following into your .bashrc and copy into your bin directory:
if [ -n "$PS1" ]
	module load marabou
	alias mli="module list"
	alias mlo="module load"
	alias mul="module unload"
	alias mav="module avail"
	alias mdi="module display"
	alias mhe="module help"
	if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ] ; then
		source $HOME/bin/
In this way the "module load" is only executed if you login with an interactive session and you profit from command completion functionality also for aliases:
mlo root/5.34. TAB TAB
will respond:
root/5.34.00           root/5.34.34(default)  root/5.34.34

Otto Schaile
Last update: 02-Feb-2016