Installation and running

For reasons of flexibility the software is currently implemented using
ROOTs ACLiC (Automatic Compiler for Libraries) facility.


mca8000d needs libusb-1.0-0-dev:
sudo apt-get install libusb-1.0-0-dev

mca8000d needs rw access to the usb device:
Adding a file:
with content:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="10c4", ATTR{idProduct}=="842a", MODE:="0666"
should do that automatically when the usb is pluged in.

In doubt check the device file. It can be found this way:
lsusb | grep 10c4:842a
Bus 006 Device 019: ID 10c4:842a Cynal Integrated Products, Inc
In this case the device file is:

Download the tarball containing the needed code.

module load marabou
tar -xzf mca8000d.tgz
cd mca8000d

Then start HistPresent.
At this moment rootlogon.C will be executed which builds (first time)
and loads the shared libraries, creates an instance of the MCA8000USB class
and starts a GUI.
For more info press the Help button.

For convenience the content of the helptxt is attached.

If you want to run HistPresent without executing rootlogon.C use option -n
HistPresent -n
