Angelantonj: A string description of N=2^* theories on the Omega background
Antoniadis: Scale hierarchies and string phenomenology
Bachas: Boundary Weyl Anomaly and D-brane RR Charges
Blumenhagen: Asymmetric CFTs and GSUGRA
Brunner: Interfaces and their entropy
Cheng: More on Symmetries of K3 String Theory
Cieliebak: String topology and perturbative Chern-Simons theory
du Bosque: Double Field Theory on Group Manifolds
Ferro: Geometric formulation of scattering amplitudes in N=4 super Yang-Mills
Fuchs: Asymmetric CFTs and GSUGRA II
Garcia-Etxebarria: Exceptional N=3 theories
Grana: Effective actions for compactifications on stringy-size tori from double field theory
Greiner: On Mirror Symmetry for Calabi-Yau Fourfolds with Three-Form Cohomology
Günaydin: Classification and unitary realizations of higher spin (super)-algebras and AdS/CFT dualities at one loop
Haack: Towards the 1-loop effective action of type IIB orientifolds
Helling: Fermionic Entanglement Entropy
Herschmann: Moduli Stabilisation near the Conifold
Hull: Gravity & Duality, supersymmetric 6-D gravity with (4,0) Susy
Iliopoulos: Non-commutative geometry from large N gauge theories
Lechtenfeld: Calogero, spherically reduced and PT-deformed
Lüst: Maximal Supersymmetric Solutions in Supergravity
Malek: 1/2-maximal consistent truncations of EFT and the K3 / Heterotic duality
Mayrhofer: Heterotic T-fects, 6D SCFTs, and F-Theory
Nicolai: On exceptional geometry and supergravity
Obers: Non-Lorentzian geometry in Field Theory and Gravity
Pastras: Elliptic Classical String Solutions in AdS3 and Elliptic Minimal Surfaces in AdS4
Phong: Strominger systems and geometric flows
Pioline: Protected couplings and BPS black holes
Plauschinn: Towards a world-sheet description of doubled geometry in string theory
Regalado: N=3 four dimensional field theories
Rudolph: SL(2) Exceptional Field Theory: An Action for F-Theory
Schmidt-May: Massive Spin-2 Fields
Shiu: Weak Gravity Conjecture, Black Holes, and Cosmology
Skenderis: Robinson-Trautmann spacetimes and gauge/gravity duality
Stieberger: Differential Equations and Associators for Periods
Valenzuela: Backreaction Issues in Axion Monodromy and Minkowski 4-forms
Vall Camell: NS5 duals in SUGRA and DFT
Wolf: Aligned Inflation near the Conifold