Nächste Seite: Tan-Gun Hyong
Aufwärts: Descriptions of patterns
Vorherige Seite: Descriptions of patterns
Chon-Ji Hyong
Abbildung 2.17:
Diagram, Chon-Ji Hyong
The described pattern reflects the form taught at the
Volkshochschule München
Volkshochschule Pullach
as well as
associated Taekwon Do schools. Other schools may teach the pattern
with slight differences. Ask your master for the correct form for your
school. As differences are known to the author, they are marked.
All punches during Chon-Ji Hyong are in middle height (Chungdan), to the
solarplexus of a virtual opponent.
Ready posture: Narani-Sogi
- 1.
- Turn 90 degree to the left (direction L),
in Chongul-Sogi,
Hadan Pakkat Palmok Paro Makki with the left arm.
- 2.
- Step with right foot direction L
in Chongul-Sogi,
punch with the right fist.
- 3.
- Turn 180 degree to the right (direction R), in
Hadan Pakkat Palmok Paro Makki with the right Arm.
- 4.
- Step with left foot direction R in
punch with the left fist.
- 5.
- Turn 90 degree to the left (direction V), in
Hadan Pakkat Palmok Paro Makki with the left Arm.
- 6.
- Step with right foot direction V in
punch with the right fist.
- 7.
- Turn 180 degree to the right (direction H), in
Hadan Pakkat Palmok Paro Makki with the right Arm.
- 8.
- Step with left foot direction H in Chongul-Sogi,
punch with the left fist.
- 9.
- Turn 90 degree to the left (direction R), in
An Palmok Yop Makki with the left Arm.
- 10.
- Step with right foot direction R in
punch with the right fist.
- 11.
- Turn 180 degree to the right (direction L), in
An Palmok Yop Makki with the right Arm.
- 12.
- Step with left foot direction L in
punch with the left fist.
- 13.
- Turn 90 degree to the left (direction H), in
An Palmok Yop Makki with the left Arm.
- 14.
- Step with right foot direction H in
punch with the right fist.
- 15.
- Turn 180 degree to the right (direction V), in
An Palmok Yop Makki with the right Arm.
- 16.
- Step with left foot direction V in
punch with the left fist.
- 17.
- Step with right foot direction V in
punch with the right fist.
- 18.
- Step backwards with right foot in
punch with the left fist.
- 19.
- Step backwards with left foot in
punch with the right fist, with kihap.
Step with left foot back into ready posture
As an simple rule to remember the pattern, note that you have to turn
always to the side you have done the punch. So if you punched with the right
fist, turn to the right and vice versa. Also if you punched with the right
fist, turn 180 degrees, if you punched left, turn 90 degrees.
Nächste Seite: Tan-Gun Hyong
Aufwärts: Descriptions of patterns
Vorherige Seite: Descriptions of patterns
Klaus Steinberger
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