Nächste Seite: A short overview of
Aufwärts: Purpose of Taekwon Do
Vorherige Seite: Taekwon Do Oath
Dojang Rules
There are some courtesy rules and rules of conduct in a Taekwon Do Dojang.
People from the western hemisphere sometimes have problems to understand
some of these rules at the beginning of their Taekwon Do study. But it is
important to pay attention to these rules. In a Martial Arts class
techniques will be practised which could do major harm to the partner,
if they aren't performed with the necessary focus.
- Be on time for class schedule
- Bow on entering and leaving the dojang, as well as before any partner excercise.
- Wear a white and clean Tobok, without patches and lettering. Don't wear
an undershirt (except women).1.1
- Bind your belt before entering the Dojang. Use the correct knot.
- Don't wear shoes, watches or jewelry during class.
- Pay attention to hygiene. Especially shorten your toe and fingernails.
- Keep the Dojang clean.
- Don't open or close windows without permission of your teacher.
- No unnecessary talking and no loud laughing during class.
- Keep quiet during sitting down. Sit down on the ground, don't
lean on the wall.
- Don't leave the Dojang during class without permission of the teacher.
- Don't practice free sparring without permission.
- Don't eat, drink or smoke inside the Dojang.
- Pay attention to the orders of your teacher.
- Respect your teacher and any partner. Be courteous and helpful.
Most of these rules should be obvious even during normal life.
(Courteouness, Hygiene etc.)
One of the most unusual rules for western people is the bowing. Bowing
is a way to show respect, and also has some symbolic meanings depending
on when you bow.
- On entering and leaving the Dojang.
With the bow you state when you enter the Dojang that the daily routine
ends here, and now you concentrate solely on Taekwon Do. Similarly,
with the bow on leaving, you state that the Taekwon Do training
is now finished. (You could now concentrate on your girl- or boyfriend again :-) )
- At start and end of the class.
At the beginning and end of the class, the students are bowing to the teacher
and the teacher to the students. Through the bow the students state their
respect for the authority and person of the teacher. Also the teacher
states his respect for his students.
- Before and after a partner excercise.
The partners bow together. This shows that they respect each other regardless
of age, race or personal differences. This states also that they would pay
attention to their techniques, so that the partner will not be endangered.
- Before and after a Kyek Pa.
Taekwon Do is not intended for destruction. As during a Board break something
would be destroyed, the practitioner has to get the permission of his
teacher (or the examiner). This is done with the bow.
Nächste Seite: A short overview of
Aufwärts: Purpose of Taekwon Do
Vorherige Seite: Taekwon Do Oath
Klaus Steinberger
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