
Publications Strings & Gravity:
[1] C. Condeescu, I. Florakis, C. Kounnas, D. Lust, "Gauged
Supergravities and non-geometric
Q/R-fluxes from asymmetric orbifold CFT's", arXiv:1307.0999.
[2] D. Lust, T.R. Taylor,"Limits on Stringy Signals at LHC", arXiv:1308.1619.
[3] O. Hohm, D. Lust, B. Zwiebach, "The Spacetime of Doubled
Field Theory: Review,
Remarks and Outlook", arXiv:1309.2977.
[4] I. Bakas, D. Lust,"3-Cocycles, Non-Associative Star Producs
and the Magnetic Paradigm of
R-Flux String Vacua", arXiv:1309.3172.
[5] A. Dymarski, S. Massai,"Uplifting the baryonic branch: a
test for backreacting
anti-D3-ranes", arXiv:1310.0015.
R. Blumenhagen, M. Fuchs, F. Hassler, D. Lust, R. Sun, "Non-associative
Deformations of
Geometry in Double Field Theory", arXiv:1312.0719.
F. Hassler, D. Lust, "Consistent Compactification of Double Field
Theory on Non-geometric
Flux Backgrounds", arXiv:1401.5068.
A. Betz, R. Blumenhagen, D. Lust, F. Rennecke, "A Note on the CFT
of the Strong
Constraint of DFT", arXiv:1402.1686.
I.Bena, M. Grana, S. Kuperstein, S. Massai,"Tachyonic Anti-M2 Branes", arXiv:1402.2294.
M. Arends, A. Hebecker, K. Heimpel, S. Kraus, D. Lust, C. Mayrhofer, C.
Schick, T.
Weigand,"D7-Brane Moduli Space in Axion Monodromy and Fluxbrane
F. Hassler, D. Lust, S. Massai "On Inflation and de Sitter in
Non-Geometric String
Backgrounds", arXiv:1405.2325.
S. Massai, G. Pasini, A. Puhm, "Metastability in Bubbling AdS space", arXiv:1407.6007.
L. Anchordoqui, I. Antoniadis, D. Dai, W. Feng, H. Goldberg, X. Huang,
D. Lust, D.
Stojkovic, T.R. Taylor, "String Resonances at Hadron Colliders", arXiv:1407.8120.
C.Kounnas, D. Lust, N. Toumbas, "R2 inflaton from scale invariant
supergravity and
anomaly free superstrings with fluxes", arXiv:1409.7076.
[15] G. Dvali, C. Gomez, R. Iserman, D. Lust, S.
Stieberger, "Black hole formation and
classicalization in ultra-Planckian 2->N scattering", arXiv:1409.7405.
R. Blumenhagen, F. Hassler, D. Lust, "Double field theory on
group manifolds",
I.Bena, M. Grana, S. Kuperstein, S. Massai, "Giant tachyons in
the landscape",
R. Blumenhagen, P. du Bosque, F. Hassler, D. Lust, "Generalized
metric formulation of
double field theory on group manifolds", arXiv:1502.02428.
A. Kehagias, C.Kounnas, D. Lust, A. Riotto, "Black hole solutions R2
I. Bakas, D. Lust,"T-duality, quotiens and currents for non-geometric
closed strings",
[21] A. Alvarez-Gaume, A. Kehagias, C.Kounnas, D. Lust, A. Riotto,
"Aspects of quadratic
gravity", arXiv:1505.07657.
L. Anchordoqui, I. Antoniadis, H. Goldberg, X. Huang,
D. Lust, T.R. Taylor, "Stringy
origin of dibosons and dijets and excesses at the LHC", arXiv:1507.05299.
R. Blumenhagen, A. Font, E. Plauschinn, "Relating double field
theory to the scalar
potential of N=2 gauged supergravity", arXiv:1507.08059.
[24] D. Lust, S. Massai, V. Vall Camell "The monodromy of
T-folds and T-fects",
G. Dvali, C. Gomez, D. Lüst, „Classical Limit of Black Hole N-portrait
and BMS Symmetry“, Phys. Lett. B 753 (2016) 173, arXiv:1509.02114.
[26] P. du Bosque, F. Hassler, D. Lüst, „Flux Formulation of DFT on
Group Manifolds and Generalized
Scherk-Schwarz-Compactifications“, JHEP 1601 (2015) 039,
[27]S. Datta, J. David, D. Lüst, „Heterotic String on the CHL Orbifold
of K3“, JHEP 1602 (2016) 056, arXiv:1510.05425.
[28] A. Celis, W. Feng, D. Lüst, „Stringy explanation of b->s l+l-
anomalies“, JHEP 1602 (2016) 007, arXiv:1512.02218.
[29] L. Anchordoqui, I. Antoniadis, H. Goldberg, X. Huang, D. Lüst, T.
Taylor, „750 GeV diphotons from closed string states “, Phys. Lett. B
755 (2016) 312, arXiv:1512.08502.
[30] A. Averin, G. Dvali, C.
Gomez, D. Lüst, „Gravitational Black Hole Hair from Event Horizon
Super-translations“, JHEP 1606 (2016) 088, arXiv:1601.03725.
[31] I. Bakas, D. Lüst, E.
Plauschinn, „Towards a world-sheet description of doubled geometry in
string theory“, Fortsch. Phys. 64 (2016) 730, arXiv:1602.07705.
[32] L. Anchordoqui, I.
Antoniadis, H. Goldberg, X. Huang, D. Lüst, T. Taylor, „Update on 750
GeV diphotons from closed string states“, Phys. Lett. B759 (2016) 223,
[33] A. Font, I. Garcia Etxebarria, D.
Lüst, S. Massai, C. Mayrhofer, „Heterotic T-fects, 6D SCFTs and
F-Theory“, JHEP 1608 (2016) 175, arXiv:1603.09361.
[34] P. du Bosque, F. Hassler, D. Lüst,
E. Malek „A geometric formulation of exceptional field theory“,
JHEP1703 (2017) 004, arXiv:1605.00385.
[35] G. Dvali, C. Gomez, D. Lüst, Y.
Omar, B. Richter „Universality of Black Hole Quantum Computing“,
Fortsch. Phys. 65 (2017) 46, arXiv:1605.01407.
[36] A. Averin, G. Dvali, C. Gomez, D. Lüst,
„Goldstone Origin of Black Hole Hair from Supertranslati-ons and
Criticality“, Mod. Phys. A31 1606 (2016) 1630045, arXiv:1606.06260.
[37] M. Gunaydin, D. Lüst, E. Malek
„Non-associativity in non-geometric string and M-theory back-grounds,
the algebra of octonions, and missing momentum modes“, JHEP 1611 (2016)
027, ar-Xiv:1607.06474.
[38] L. Anchordoqui, I. Antoniadis, H.
Goldberg, X. Huang, D. Lüst, T. Taylor, „Minimal left-right sym-metric
intersecting D-brane model“, Phys. Rev. D95 (2017) 026011,
[39] I. Garcia Etxebarria, D. Lüst, S. Massai,
C. Mayrhofer, „Ubiquity of non-geometry in heterotic
com-pactifications“, JHEP1703 (2017) 046, arXiv:1611.10291.
[40] R. Blumenhagen, P. du Bosque, F.
Hassler, D. Lüst, „Double Field Theory on Group Manifolds in a
Nutshell“, arXiv:1703.07347.
[41] P. du Bosque, F. Hassler, D. Lüst,
„General Parallelizable Spaces from Exceptional Field Theory“,
JHEP1801 (2018) 117, arXiv:1705.09304.
[42] D. Lüst, E. Malek, R. Szabo
„Non-geometric Kaluza-Klein monopoles and magnetic duals of M-Theory
R-flux backgrounds the algebra of octonions, and missing momentum
modes“, JHEP 1710 (2017) 144, arXiv:1705.09639.
[43] D. Lüst, E.Plauschinn, V.
Vall Camell, „Unwinding strings in semi-flatland “, JHEP 1707 (2017)
027, arXiv:1706.00835.
[44] F. Farakos, S. Ferrara, A.
Kehagias, D. Lüst, „Non-linear Realizations and Higher
Curvature Supergravity“, Fortsch.Phys.65 (2017) 1700073,
[45] D. Lüst, E. Palti, „Scalar Fields, Hierarchical
UV/IR Mixing and the Weak Gravity Conjecture ", JHEP1802 (2018) 040,
[46] O. Hohm, V. Kupriyanov, D. Lüst, M. Traube,
„General Constructions of L-infinity algebras“, arXiv:1709.10004
[47] D. Lüst, E. Malek, M. Syvari, „Locally
non-geometric fluxes and missing momenta in M-theory “, JHEP 1801
(2018) 050, arXiv:1710.05919.
[48] D. Lüst, „Supertranslations and Holography near
the Horizon of Schwarzschild Black Holes“, Fortsch. Phys. 66 (2018)
001, arXiv:1711.04582.
[49] I. Florakis, I. Garcia Etxebarria, D. Lüst, D.
Regalado, „2d Orbifolds with Exotic Supersymmetry“, JHEP1802 (2018)
146, arXiv:1712.04318.
[50] I. Achmed-Zade, M. Hamilton, D. Lüst, S.
Massai, C. Mayrhofer, „A Note on T-folds and T3-fibrations“,
[51] R. Blumenhagen, I. Brunner, V. Kupriyanov, D.
Lüst, „Bootstrapping non-commutative gauge theories from L-infinity
algebras“, JHEP1805 (2018) 097, arXiv:1803.00732
[52] D. Lüst, D. Osten, „Generalized Fluxes,
Yang-Baxter deformations and the O(d,d) structure of non-Abelian
T-duality“, JHEP 1805 (2018) 165, arXiv:1803.03971.
[53] S. Ferrara, D. Lüst, „Spin-four N=7
W-Supergravity: S-fold and Double Copy Construction“, JHEP1807 (2018)
114, arXiv:1805.10022.
[54] F. Cordonier-Tello, D. Lüst, E.Plauschinn, „Open
String T-duality and Applications to non-geometric backgrounds“, to
appear in JHEP, arXiv:1706.00835.
[55] S. Ferrara, A. Kehagias, D. Lüst, „Aspects of Weyl Supergravity “, to appear in JHEP, arXiv:1806.10016.