Nächste Seite: Ap Chagi (Frontkick)
Aufwärts: Basics
Vorherige Seite: Stances
This is an not yet complete description of foot techniques in Taekwon Do.
For most of the foot techniques there are some common rules.
- Generally the knee must be lifted first.
- A technique should be pulled back at least as fast as it will be
thrown out. Indeed a technique will be faster if you concentrate a bit more
on pulling back. Also you will loose your balance otherwise.
- Normally the sole of the standing foot will be completly on the ground,
except for advanced techniques, which could be done with some sliding.
Of course through turning techniques the standing foot must be turned too.
- The standing foot is not completly stretched, as you will loose balance
too otherwise. (only slightly bend, like in Tai-Ji stance).
The techniques are described in phases. Beginners should try the techniques
in these phases, but as practice advances this should be more and more
in one flow.
Klaus Steinberger
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