Nächste Seite: Chungdan An Palmok Yop
Aufwärts: Blocking techniques
Vorherige Seite: Blocking techniques
Hadan Pakkat Palmok Paro Makki - low block
This technique, mostly called Hadan Makki, is one of the first blocking
techniques a Taekwon Do student will learn. With this technique, or variants
of it, most attacks to the lower part of the body could be blocked.
The outer side of the forearm will be used for blocking.
A description of Hadan Makki performed in
with the left arm:
- Stand in
with the left foot in front.
- The left fist strikes out at the right ear. 2.11
- The right fist is racked down like for an punch.
- The left forearm moves down, at same time pull back the right fist
to your short ribs. 2.12
- Short before you reach the end position, both fists turn, so that the
outside of the left forearm shows to the outside.
- The left fist is around two widths of a hand over the knee in the
endposition. There is an slight angle in the elbow. 2.13
Abbildung 2.11:
Hadan Makki, Strike out phase
Abbildung 2.12:
Hadan Makki, Intermediate phase
Abbildung 2.13:
Hadan Makki, Endposition
Nächste Seite: Chungdan An Palmok Yop
Aufwärts: Blocking techniques
Vorherige Seite: Blocking techniques
Klaus Steinberger
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