Nächste Seite: Yul-Kok Hyong
Aufwärts: Descriptions of patterns
Vorherige Seite: To-San Hyong
Won-Hyo Hyong
Abbildung 2.20:
Diagram, Won-Hyo Hyong
The described pattern reflects the form taught at the
Volkshochschule München
Volkshochschule Pullach
as well as
associated Taekwon Do schools. Other schools may teach the pattern
with slight differences. Ask your master for the correct form for your
school. As differences are known to the author, they are marked.
Ready posture: Moa-Sogi
In the ready posture the left hand is folded around the right fist.
Both hands are before the face, so that you can look over them.
- 1.
- Move left foot into direction L1 in
At same time execute a twin forearm block with outside of the forearms
and both fist closed.
Hugul Ssang Pakkat Palmok Makki
- 2.
- Pull the left fist in front of your right shoulder and execute a
high inward strike to L1 with the right knife hand at same time.
Hugul Sangdan Sudo Anuro Taerigi
- 3.
- Pull back your left fist and left foot. Execute a punch with the
left fist to L1 and move back the left foot into
Execute movement 2 and 3 in connection.
- 4.
- Pull the left foot to the right foot, then move the right
foot toward R1 into
At same time execute a twin forearm block with outside of the forearms
and both fist closed.
Hugul Ssang Pakkat Palmok Makki
- 5.
- Pull the right fist in front of your left shoulder and execute a
high inward strike to R1 with the left knife hand at same time.
Hugul Sangdan Sudo Anuro Taerigi
- 6.
- Pull back your right fist and right foot. Execute a punch with the
right fist to R1 and move back the right foot into
Execute movement 5 and 6 in connection.
- 7.
- Bring the right foot to the left foot, turn toward V and form a
right bending ready stance.
- 8.
- Execute a side thrusting kick
toward V.
Chungdan Yop Chagi
- 9.
- Lower the left foot to V into
At same time execute a middle guarding block to V with knife hand.
Hugul Chungdan Sudo Taebi Makki
Execute movements 7, 8 and 9 in connection.
- 10.
- Move right foot in direction V into
At same time execute a middle guarding block to V with knife hand.
Hugul Chungdan Sudo Taebi Makki
- 11.
- Move left foot in direction V into
At same time execute a middle guarding block to V with knife hand.
Hugul Chungdan Sudo Taebi Makki
- 12.
- Move right foot in direction V into
At same time execute a middle thrust to V with the right straight fingertip.
The left hand is under the right ellbow as protection.
Chongul Chungdan Chongkwansu Tulki
- 13.
- Turn counterclockwise on the right foot 270 degree,
and move left foot in direction R2 into
At same time execute a twin forearm block with outside of the forearms
and both fist closed.
Hugul Ssang Pakkat Palmok Makki
- 14.
- Pull the left fist in front of your right shoulder and execute a
high inward strike to L1 with the right knife hand at same time.
Hugul Sangdan Sudo Anuro Taerigi
- 15.
- Pull back your left fist and left foot. Execute a punch with the
left fist to L1 and move back the left foot into
Bewegung 14 und 15 werden in einer schnellen Folge ausgeführt.
- 16.
- Pull the left foot to the right foot, then move the right
foot toward R1 into
At same time execute a twin forearm block with outside of the forearms
and both fist closed.
Hugul Ssang Pakkat Palmok Makki
- 17.
- Pull the right fist in front of your left shoulder and execute a
high inward strike to R1 with the left knife hand at same time.
Hugul Sangdan Sudo Anuro Taerigi
- 18.
- Pull back your right fist and right foot. Execute a punch with the
right fist to L1 and move back the right foot into
Execute movement 17 and 18 in connection.
- 19.
- Bring the right foot to the left foot, turn counterclockwise
90 degree and move the left in direction H into
At same time execute a circular block with the right inner forearm.
Chungdan An Palmok Tolimyo Makki
- 20.
- Execute a front snap kick (Ap-Chagi)
with the right foot in direction H. Keep the arm position as in movement 19.
Chungdan Ap Chagi
- 21.
- Lower the right foot in direction V into
At same time execute a punch with the left fist in half height.
Chongul Chungdan Pandae Chirugi
Execute Movement 20 and 21 in connection.
- 22.
- Execute a circular block with the left inner forearm. Maintain stance
as in movement 21.
Chungdan An Palmok Tolimyo Makki
- 23.
- Execute a front snap kick (Ap-Chagi)
with the left foot in direction H. Keep the arm position as in movement 22.
Chungdan Ap Chagi
- 24.
- Lower the left foot in direction V into
At same time execute a punch with the right fist in half height.
Chongul Chungdan Pandae Chirugi
Execute Movement 23 and 24 in connection.
- 25.
- Turn hip into direction H, and form a left ready bending stance toward H.
- 26.
- Execute a side thrusting kick (Yop-Chagi)
with the right foot toward H.
Chungdan Yop Chagi
- 27.
- Lower right foot at left foot, turn 270 degree counterclockwise
on the right foot. Move the left foot toward L1 into
At same time execute a middle guarding block with the forearm.
Hugul Chungdan Pakkat Palmok Taebi Makki
Execute movement 25,26 and 27 in connection.
- 28.
- Bring the left foot to the right foot, turn clockwise 180 degree
and put the right foot toward R1 into
At same time execute a middle guarding block with the forearm.
Hugul Chungdan Pakkat Palmok Taebi Makki
At same time Kihap.
Bring the right foot to the left back into ready posture
Nächste Seite: Yul-Kok Hyong
Aufwärts: Descriptions of patterns
Vorherige Seite: To-San Hyong
Klaus Steinberger
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