String Theory 1

General Information

Time: Mon and Wed 8.25-10
Place: A348/349, Theresienstr. 37

Lecturer: Michael Haack
Office: 433 (
Theresienstr. 37)
Tel.: +49-89-2180-4377


Time: Thu 8-10 (beginning on November 5)
Place: A 010

Exercise sheets: Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3
, Sheet4, Sheet5, Sheet6, Sheet7, Sheet8, Sheet9, Sheet10

Result of first exam

Result of second exam

(One needs 50 points in both exams together, in order to pass the course. The Scheine will be handed out on Wednesday, Feb. 10, during class, and during the tutorial on Thursday, Feb. 11. Afterwards, the Scheine can be picked up in my room, 433, preferrably next week, as I expect to be out of office at the end of this week (i.e. Feb. 11 and 12).)


1) Zwiebach: A first course in string theory
2) Lüst, Theisen: Lectures on string theory
3) Green, Schwarz, Witten: Superstring theory (2 vols.)
4) Polchinski: String theory (2 vols.)
5) Tong: String theory, (arXiv:0908.0333)